Discover, Connect & Collaborate at TECHINNOVATION 2021
Bringing CAD to the factory floor

Technology Overview
At CAE Tech we believe there is a disconnect between design and manufacturing. For mass customisation and modular construction projects this is exaggerated, as the need for continuously updated and clear design data on the shopfloor is essential.
Our solution is CICADAS, or Contactless Interaction with CAD and Systems. CICADAS combines cloud-based sharing of 3D CAD data with physical devices, to give intuitive and user-friendly navigation of the design. For the factory floor, this is wrapped in a portable device containing a projector and set of controllers.
We can see these same benefits for manufacturers across a range of industries, including construction and infrastructure. This potential was identified in a recent publication from Cambashi, “Is there still a growth opportunity for engineering software?” (P. Gartzen, D. Roberts,, May 2021). This highlights the huge opportunity in taking 3D design models to the managers, supervisors and skilled tradespeople in engineering, who outnumber the architects and engineers by 6.5 to 1. They describe this with the “Engineering Software Opportunity Pyramid”, where existing CAD users are the peak of a pyramid of all the stakeholders affected by CAD.
We are looking to collaborate to bring this solution to more markets and manufacturing domains.
Technology Features, Specifications and Advantages
The cloud-based platform for sharing CAD that underlies CICADAS supports version-management and collaboration.
Our value is to manufacturers with products that cannot be mass-produced, either as they are mass-customised, or modular. This applies to many industries, from consumer goods such as furniture or high-end bicycles; to industries where the expectation of the customer is to fit their brand or requirements, such as airline interiors, medical and healthcare products; to large modular projects such as offsite construction or shipbuilding. We add value to the investment made in CAD design of the products, by using this as a core communication means with customers and the internal team.
Potential Applications
Techniques for accessing CAD data at the point of use including the factory floor are required in both the construction and manufacturing sectors. Accessing CAD at the point of sale is beneficial where the customer is making a “highly-involved” purchase or has specific needs. Our value is to manufacturers with products that cannot be mass-produced, either as they are mass-customised, or modular. This applies to many industries, from consumer goods such as furniture or high-end bicycles; to industries where the expectation of the customer is to fit their brand or requirements, such as airline interiors, medical and healthcare products; to large modular projects such as offsite construction or shipbuilding.
The UK Made Smarter programme has identified a set of Major Industrial Trends and the Underpinning Technologies required to achieve them.
Our solution and associated strategy includes :
- Smart Modular Manufacturing
- Mass Customisation
- Globalisation
- New Consumer Ethics
- Sustainability (waste reduction in manufacturing)
- Efficient manufacturing processes generating less harmful emissions or using less power
There remains a huge opportunity in taking 3D design models to the managers, supervisors, and skilled tradespeople in engineering, who outnumber the architects and engineers by 6.5 to 1 (Cambashi,2021). Cambashi describes this as The Engineering Software Opportunity Pyramid, where the current adoption of 3D CAD only applies to the very top of the pyramid.
Customer Benefit
The CICADAS solution aims to create a more cohesive team around a manufacturing site, from the design stage until the production line. The solution includes the ability to raise issues or questions with the engineering team, and to receive notifications, all in the context of the CAD design. With this, we bridge the gap between design and production.
Quite often staff don't have all the required information to perform their tasks. So, with this tool, we aim to give autonomy to the team and make efficient use of the time and minimise information lost through equipment or personnel. Using a 3D model as the main source of information ensures that any design change that gets released will be reflected, and hence all information consulted will be up-to-date.