
Discover, Connect & Collaborate at TECHINNOVATION 2021

Intelligent Communities Lifecycle – Digital Twins

Technology Overview

Intelligent Communities Lifecycle (ICL) - A Single Platform for Decarbonisation

Bridging the gap between the real world and simulation, the ICL Digital Twin enables the energy efficient design and continuous operational optimisation of not just single but entire groups of buildings.

  • Undertake sustainable master planning
  • Delve into zero-carbon construction/retrofitting of individual buildings
  • Operate buildings or communities more effectively
  • Integrate with utilities and renewables to create local energy networks
  • Connect, visualise and analyse any data from any source
  • Citizen and operational team collaboration and engagement

Our interconnected tools share a central database, allowing users to easily leverage data and share analysis results across the platform.

  • iCD – Intelligent Communities Design – Sustainable Master Planning
  • VE – Virtual Environment – New Design & Retrofit
  • iSCAN – Intelligent Smart Control Analysis – Optimal Building Operation
  • iVN – Intelligent Virtual Network – Community Energy & Renewables
  • Digital Twins Command Centre

ICL technology enables digital twins through which you can engage community in Real-Time. ICL investigates operational problems using AI and machine learning. Simulation to fill data gaps.Improve operational decisions by understanding where to focus attention. Facilitate decision making. Create and share visually informative information. Uses AI to optimize present, future community sustainability.

We are looking for partners who can use our technology to deploy digital twins for their customers. We are open to engage on consulting side initially and soon after some period we will limit our involvement by offering only technology.

Technology Features, Specifications and Advantages

To achieve decarbonization, our ICL Digital Twin works across the timeline of any community; managing the present, road-mapping the future, and learning from/logging the past. We spend, on average, 90% of our time in a building. Therefore, it's important we consider how our buildings impact the people that use them. A Digital Twin works off shared knowledge and data to empower everyone - whether citizens, occupants, owners, and building or estates managers. Not only does it provide dashboards and tools to drive operational efficiencies, track progress towards targets, measure and verify results, and test which retrofit or improvement investments are the best for that situation. It also engages with building occupants and citizens to guide action and inspire change, gather feedback on proposals/policies/targets, and inform on progress made. Our unique combination makes real-time performance optimisation of built environment assets a reality.

We integrate physics-based simulation with the 3D model, real-time operational data, Machine Learning and AI. ICL technology caters to following:

  • Physics Enabled Simulation
  • Climate Ready Master Planning
  • Design & Retrofit to Zero-Carbon Standards
  • Community Energy & Renewable Integration
  • Post Covid Health & Wellbeing
  • Operational & Community Dashboards
  • Data Analysis from Physical & Virtual Sensors
  • Real-Time Optimisation & Fault Detection

Potential Applications

Applicable in a built environment ranging from building to city level, across any geographical scale, the tools link all aspects of every building’s lifecycle from design and construction right through to operation. Connecting everyone from owners and occupants to planners and community leaders, in a single collaborative environment via operational dashboards, portfolio management and community engagement tools to achieve significant energy, carbon, capital and operational savings.

Customer Benefit

Collaboration through operational dashboards, portfolio management and community engagement tools.

  • Interactive 3D models
  • Bespoke dashboards
  • Display options for any device
  • Automatic alerts
  • Different views and levels of access
  • Centralise project information
  • Insights & analysis
  • Share data & collaborate
  • Engage and communicate
Contact Person

Sriman NCVK


IESVE Singapore Pte Ltd

Technology Category

  • Energy
  • Smart Metering / Management System
  • Green Building
  • Building Automation / Management, HVAC - Air Distribution, HVAC - Cooling System, Simulation & BIM

Technology Readiness Level


Digital Twins, Energy Management, Energy Modelling, Green Buildings, Decarbonisation, Sustainability