
Discover, Connect & Collaborate at TECHINNOVATION 2021

Static and Dynamic Balance Assessing System

Technology Overview

The balance assessing system has been designed to meet the needs of elderly who are looking to improve balance, increase agility and endurance training of lower-muscles.

The system also serves as a training device to some degree of compensation for impaired proprioceptive reflex mechanisms. By using the system, physicians can assess neuromuscular control by quantifying the ability to maintain postural stability.

We are looking for companies to license the system to bring the product to market.

Technology Features, Specifications and Advantages

  • Static and Dynamic balance board (Device) – offers 3 adjustable-levels of standing platform for balance training.
  • Gamification — Both online and offline games for repetition balance training enhance patient engagement and drive better outcomes.
  • SWAY meter (Digital) – Standardized protocol for measuring postural to compare balance test results and gamification scores with age-dependent normative data. Allows clinician and participant to easily store and retrieve each training session data for reporting and analytics.

Potential Applications

  • Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning
    The assessing system includes a comprehensive Fall Risk Screening & Conditioning Program and Protocol, which can help clinicians identify a person at risk to fall in just a few minutes by comparing their balance and game scores to age-dependent normative data.
  • Rehab & Wellness
    As part of the Balance & Mobility measuring application, it addresses age related diseases by aiding in increasing mobility, addressing fall risk, improving balance, developing and increasing endurance of lower-muscles.
  • The gamification also let elderly safely learn to control their postural sway under various conditions within video games, along with associated printed reports documenting need, progress and outcomes. This increases clinical efficiency and productivity while having fun

Customer Benefit

A portable balance training system ideal for seniors. Featuring easy-to-follow “Plug-and-Play” operation, the system is simple to learn and operate, leading the user step-by-step through balance assessing protocols and training in both static and dynamic modes.

Balance training improves an ability to control and stabilize body's position, particularly important for elderly— as they age, their proprioception (ability to know where they are in space), get worse, which contributes to decline in both balance and mobility.

Benefits of doing balance training include:

  • Prevent falls,
  • Reduces the risk of lower-extremity injuries, such as knee and ankle injuries,
  • Improves proprioception.
Contact Person

Chanyaphak Yotkhampaeng


Science and Technology Park, Chiang Mai University

Technology Category

  • Healthcare
  • Medical Devices

Technology Readiness Level


Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning ,Rehab & Wellness