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Legacy Equipment Condition Monitoring System

Technology Overview
This technology offer presents a Legacy Equipment Condition Monitoring System that integrates various sensors from the manufacturing or lab equipment like legacy chillers or furnaces and records critical information of the equipment; e,g temperature, pressure, etc. for real-time monitoring and SMS alerts.
The legacy equipment usually comes with RS232/RS485 and Ethernet ports as communication protocol or some equipment do not have any communication protocol.
To monitor the equipment status, the staff will need messy and complicate cabling to lay communication wires across manufacturing areas or buy new equipment which supports wireless communication. But still, those new equipment does not provide a dashboard displaying the status or production yield for in-depth analytics.
With our Legacy Equipment Condition Monitoring System, the legacy equipment with communication ports(RS232/RS485/TCP/IP etc) and the equipment without communication protocol can be easily digitalised leveraging our proprietary sensor nodes. In addition, a dedicated dashboard will provide insights into the equipment status, enabling quick reaction time. In case of an emergency event, the system will send the SMS alert to the designated staff.
Technology Features, Specifications and Advantages
Legacy Equipment Condition Monitoring system integrates various sensors from the manufacturing/ lab equipment (eg. Legacy chillers/furnaces) or building facilities and records critical information such as temperature, pressure, alerts, etc. This sensor node sends data wirelessly to our proprietary Gateway for data collation, enabling real-time monitoring and SMS alerts on smartphones or desktop computers.
The legacy equipment that comes with existing RS232/RS485 and Ethernet ports communicating in common industrial protocols can also utilize the sensor node for integration into the IoT monitoring system for real-time data visualization.
In addition, the legacy equipment that does not have any communication port may also be integrated with added sensors to enable the purpose of analyzing the collated data and the status of the equipment.
- Wireless communication from equipment to gateway.
- Interoperability - uses common protocols to integrate sensors, equipment with physical and remote controls
- Information Transparency – real-time contextualized information through remote monitoring dashboard
- Decentralized Decision Making - both real-time and configurable equipment function based on feedback data received
- Technology Assistance for Management – Decision making through Data Analytics platform and capable of calculating Operating Equipment
Potential Applications
This technology has several use-cases:
- Laboratories and Manufacturing Facilities: Ideal for places with multiple legacy equipment and need digitization
- Building management system with new or legacy facility equipment and need digitisation
Customer Benefit
- Cost-effective conversion of legacy equipment to IoT enabled equipment
- Easy installation at affordable cost.
- Flexible and configurable to customer requirement.