
Participating under Enterprise Estonia.

BugBox was founded in 2015 with the mission to provide a scalable and fully automated mass-rearing and production technology for the food industry as a more sustainable alternative to conventional animal protein production. BugBox creates a global opportunity to establish thousands of insect farms to secure sustainable & safe production of organic proteins for feed & food markets.

Our Technology Offers

Full Automation for Edible Insects Mass-Rearing Technology and Software

This technology allows to create a global opportunity to establish thousands of insect farms to secure sustainable and safe production of organic proteins for feed and food markets. The global market demand for alternative protein is growing, especially the aquafeed market.

This solution is a modular automated insect farm with pre-programmed industrial software, based on unique scientific and engineering know-how, which allows more effective, safer and cheaper insect farming everywhere and to everyone, without being an entomologist.

Target customer can be a food or feed producer, who wants to produce insect-based products.

Possible partnership : This technology owner is planning to expand and is looking for interested strategic partners, potential adopters of this technology who are in the edible insect industry (feed/food).
