
Pulssir provides a platform of continuous, remote contactless monitoring of vital parameters and behavior of elder and bedridden.

We solve problem of timely provided medical care.

The platform can:

  • measure pulse and respiratory rate remotely from 3-4 m.
  • predict approach of critical situations (loss of consciousness, cardiac/respiratory arrests, the risk of bedsores)
  • analyze day/night activities (apnea, insomnia)

Additionally, we started tests to determine the early stage of viral respiratory infections (due to change of HR and RR) incl COVID-19. Pulssir project is 1,5 years. Our international team has 9 people of highly qualified managers and developers.

Our Technology Offers

Sensor-based Remote Contactless Monitoring of Elder Vitality

There are several approaches in the market which can help to monitor vital signs and behaviour of elderly, including pressing life buttons, caregivers, various wearables with applications and reminders, video cameras. However, most of them cannot monitor health comprehensively and proactively.

This technology offer presents a platform of continuous remote contactless monitoring of vital parameters and behavior of elder and bedridden people. The system is able to provide timely medical care in case of seizures, falls, significant changes in vital signs. It is also able to trigger the alarm when people are too close to each other, solving social isolation problems.

The platform allows for several solution, including:

  • measure pulse and respiratory rate remotely from 3-4 m
  • predict approach of critical situations (e.g., loss of consciousness, falls, bedsores) in 10-15s
  • analyze day & night activities

B2B2G: senior homes, hospitals, hospices, neuropsychiatries, rehabilitation centers, palliative care homes, caregiver services

The technology owner is currently looking for

  • Potential partners to launch pilot and commercial projects
  • Technology partners to localize the product
  • Strategic partners
  • New business opportunities